Hopefully this picture make you inspired.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Hijab Ideas To Keep Beautiful
Hopefully this picture make you inspired.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Why Do Muslim Women Wear Head Scarves?
It should be noted that not all Muslim women wear head scarves. Some wear both head covering and veil, called the Niqab. Others wear merely simple head scarves called Khimar. The Burqa and Chador cover the woman from head to foot, and are worn in some Muslim countries. All clothing that is said to follow the laws of Allah is called Hijab.
However, some modern Muslim women feel that such covering is not important at all. It is a common misconception that all Muslim women dress the same. While many do cover their heads with head scarves, many don’t cover, and wear more westernized style clothing. Still clothing should be simple and not be meant to attract men or express vanity, according to the Qur’an.

Image Source: www.hijabplanet.com
Just as in the Muslim world, many Christians no longer find it necessary to cover the hair. Many Jewish sects still require the head to be covered by all men, and by women as a sign of respect and modesty. However, some Jewish sects have a more lax dress code.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Trendy Hijab Fashion
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Dress For Success Women With Hijab
None of us wants to be told what to wear. It goes against our sense of individual freedom. We want our work to speak for itself, and we want to be judged on our attributes. We want to wear what we like, not what someone else expects us to. While the concept may be difficult to swallow, dressing correctly can make a bigger difference than any other single thing we do. It should be the first thing you change. When you go to work tomorrow, try dressing differently from the way you did today. If you do, your image in the eyes of others will begin to change immediately. The people who meet you after you change your attire will have entirely different opinions of you and your abilities from those who know you now. The picture above are some examples of the clothes for success women with hijab.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Jilbab Jilbabs Silk Route Clothing

Jilbab Jilbabs Silk Route Clothing
Jilbab Jilbabs Silk Route Clothing - The purpose of the ancient 'Silk Route', which connected the emerging Western cultures with the thriving Eastern traditions, is now being revived through the exciting new Women's clothing brand.
The Silk Route Brand was born with today's Muslimah in mind: The Muslimah who interacts with and enriches the diverse communities she lives in. Sisters wanting to convey their faith and identity through a stylish and contemporary look will find that the Silk Route Jilbab reaches beyond all expectations.
Silk Route has designs appealing to those seeking a simple yet sophisticated look and to those who love to express their uniqueness through empowering design concepts. Silk Route's vibrant mix of urban, sporty, casual and elegant Jilbabs is always ready to dress the modern Muslimah in confidence.

Puff sleeves attached with jersey create a layered and stylized look. An attention to detail such as hand crafted fabric buttons on neck and side slits complement and enhance the impact of the design.
Turkish Hijab Fashion Magazine

With more than 100,00 followers on Facebook it seems that Âlâ has proved to be an outlet for Muslim women who have longed to be heard and seen as beautiful and worthy of attention. The magazine’s glossy cover and couture looks ultimately appeal to any woman who indulges in fashion and is curious about cultural trends. It also offers a platform for women to feel comfortable about dressing modestly where it’s less about the body and more about the clothes.
Controversy over whether or not fashion and Islam can comfortably coexist still remains, as many traditional Muslims believe women on display in any fashion is a violation of Islamic principles.
Regardless of these sentiments, it appears that Âlâ is here to stay. And with Turkey’s growing number of observant Muslims, the magazine is in a position to set future fashion trends and continually influence an emerging culture of women who are ready to be comfortable and chic in their own skin.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Hijab Style Tutorial
Friday, 6 January 2012
The Muslim Headscarf
The Muslim women wears the hijab or other Muslim headscarf so as to maintain the modesty that Muslim religion teaches. With the development of technology and the effect of westernization, various types of head coverings have made entries in this arena, even for many Muslim women, hijab no longer remained the center of focus. This new trend has been named as liberation in some spheres while other considered it modernization. There was a time a few years back in non-Muslim world, due to great misconception, hijab was being symbolized as radicalism. That was the time when many conscious Muslims made all attempts to restore their religious and ethnic identities. As a result, today all over the world, Muslim women gladly embrace the modest ways of dressing by using Muslim headscarfs such as jilbabs, abayas and hijabs.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Hijab Story
That prompted me to wear hijab to school, but after school, during extra curricular activities, I usually found it VERY cumbersome and would usually arrive home without, much to the chagrin of my mother.
What prompted this entry is the fact that right now I am royally annoyed by the lack of cooperation from the hijab pin I am currently wearing and the complexity of it all.
I started off with the then popular tudung bawal-
Which lasted through my teens and university. Since then due to sheer laziness I’ve moved on to tudung instant (no pins!)
And tudung syria (no need to take off during solat!)
So today..when I was rummaging through my hijab drawer for something that matched my clothes, the only thing that really matched was my 2nd hand munawarrah tudung which required a pin (after about 2 years of not wearing hijab with pins!)
1st i had to find pins. Then i had to pin them on. In the process, i pricked myself a zillion times and at work during wudhu another zillion times. I will now stick to my instants and syrias or pashminas which require only a pin at the chin and not on the clothes (my clothes have pinholes! Argh!)
Completely bimbotic entry, i know, but there you have it. It’s not easy being a hijabi on the go okayyy?
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Bridal Hijab Styles

Bridal dress with hijab
Hopefully this bridal hijab styles picture make you inspired.
"Hijab in Qur'an and Sunna" Published
Dr Fat'hiyeh Fatahizade, has recently written the book "Hijab in Qur'an and Sunna" to give some unprejudiced views on hijab, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
The author opens the book with a history of hijab and expands the topic by the ways Islam introduces for maintaining that as well as development of chastity in a society.
In nine chapters, the book expands the subtitles of the book including, extends for hijab, quality of Islamic covering, philosophy of hijab, women's hijab in the society, reasons for ignorance of hijab and the ways for confronting the problem.
The first chapter in "Hijab in Qur'an and Sunna" is on the background of hijab and its quality in Iran, India and world of Islam besides the answers given to some misjudgments on that.
The second chapter of the book is an analysis on the terminology used in interpretation of the Qur'anic verses about hijab while the third chapter is titled "Grounds for Expansion of Chastity and Maintaining Hijab", on the Islamic solutions towards a healthy society.
Philosophy of covering and extends for hijab are the topics for the fourth and fifth chapters in this book while the quality of covering is discussed in the sixth chapter.
A very important aspect of hijab, maintaining this feature in the words and behavior of the women in the household of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), in particular, Hazrat Zeinab (AS), daughter of Imam Ali (AS) and granddaughter of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is discussed in the next chapter.
Then the book provides historical reasons behind women covering as well as an analysis on the social presence of women in light of Qur'anic knowledge.
The book concludes with a summary of the elements for a lack of hijab and the ways for women to maintain an original Islamic covering.
The content of this book is provided with exact references fully supported by reasons while a chronological order of the views is maintained beginning with some of the oldest quotes and reference books.
Women comprise half of the Islamic nation and play an important role in development of a healthy society.
The importance is highlighted when on the one hand Islam says the paradise is achieved via jihad (struggling for God) and on the other hand it gives the picture of paradise under the footsteps of mothers; hence, highlighting the importance of women in raising brave warriors.
Read more about the review at www.taghribnews.com
Monday, 2 January 2012
The Muslim Hijab Facts
For just a better understanding, your message “HIJAB” are usually explained letter by letter. In the beginning, your message ‘H’ is an acronym for headscarf. The majority of people available on the market consider that getting a face veil is suggested for proper Hijab. The fact is that, to get a Muslim woman to check out proper Hijab, it’s enough to protect her hair, neck, and bosom. Since the face seriously isn’t mandatory and actually, you will find zero evidences to recommend that Muslim women is to cover their faces.
The letter ‘I, is true of intentions. Manage ‘s behind Muslim women wearing a Hijab? Compulsion? No, the motive for this really is their belief in GOD. Believe that that God (Allah in Arabic) tells the criminals to adhere to the principles of clothing. When wearing Hijab, it literally means i am pleasing God (hopefully) therefore we are guarding our modesty, therefore we are respecting ourselves and our communities by not displaying limbs that nobody should see unless see your face is our husband or very close relative.
However, Hijab is not only just a headscarf. Is it doesn’t complete style of covering your whole body. One elements of a girl’s body which may demonstrated to individuals are her hands, face, and certain say, feet. The 3rd type of letter ‘J’ of Hijab is an acronym for Jilbab which constitutes the outer garment. It describes a piece of clothing that we all wear along with our underclothes. The underclothes are usually anything such as a long dress, a shirt and pants, a jacket and long skirt, etc.
It happens to be renowned than a Muslim women’s attire must are eligible like: Her clothing should not be tight, her clothing should not be sheer, her clothing should not reveal a significant of her body, and her clothing should not resemble clothing that could be primarily worn by men. And so the letter ‘a’ is an acronym for ‘attire’.
As already said from the beginning as soon as i’ve, humans have a misconception that Muslim women are required to sacrifice their beauty by the Hijabs. Muslim woman is able to do ways to make herself feel beautiful and peruse presentable out world. She could wear clothing that could be colorful (eventhough it ought not to be extravagant), she could wear jewelry like Hijab pins that pleases her (although she must ensure that her jewelry isn’t so noisy so it attracts attention), and he or she is able to use skin care products providing her a polished look. A Muslim woman would be look neat, clean, and delightful.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Hijab Fashion And The City
Author: Erin Walgamuth
Delicately draped with lavish embroidery, the colorful textiles of Muslim women’s hijabs have become more than just a statement of religion in the past ten years. More women are putting their own stylistic touches into Muslim dress.
“Chic hijab” melds fashion and religion in that it allows women to maintain modesty while dressing fashionably. The elegant tapestry is twisted and tied into eccentric knots that require time, patience and an eye for fashion.
Mariam Sobh began wearing hijab when she was eight years-old. While she started with a more traditional hijab, she used her eye for fashion to incorporate her own style with her modest dress.
The mother, practicing Muslim and editor-in-chief of hijabtrendz.com considers her style to be a toned-down version of modern hijab fashion. Sobh, who isn’t into extravagant techniques and knots and pins that many young hijab wearers like, tends to wear wrap scarves in various colors and the triangle hijab with a pin to hold it back.
Like many twentieth-century hijab wearers, she considers her colorful style to be chic and modern while maintaining modest coverage. It is Sobh’s attention to fashion and her own stylistic touches that ease her connection with non-Muslims, inviting curiosity and appreciation rather than negativity or otherness.
Like other women, many Muslim women are preoccupied with consumer culture. They have a desire for more contemporary modest dress that combines their sense of individuality with their Islamic beliefs and values.
Hijab As Identity
Emma Tarlo, a British scholar who examined chic hijab in England, explains in her book, “Visibly Muslim: Fashion, Politics, Faith,” that hijabs are not just simple pieces of cloth; rather, they are symbols of identity and otherness. Moreover, she notes that Muslim women find themselves in a double bind when dressing in hijab. They must pull from both mainstream, non-Muslim fashion influences of the West as well as traditional Muslim aesthetics to embody “their complex, multiple and hybrid identities.”
“Certainly many Muslim women talk about hijab in terms of a rejection of ‘Western consumerism’ and beauty ideals,” said Tarlo. “At the same time most still want to look attractive and do not want to be seen simply as a walking symbol of piety.”
Rabia Zargarpur, a Dubai-born New York designer and practicing Muslim, began her fashion career designing chic hijabs after converting to Islam. Unable to find clothes that expressed her fashion ideals and personal values while still upholding her Islamic beliefs, she began catering to the needs of her fellow Ummah members.
“There’s just hundreds of thousands of them out there, just like myself, struggling in the sense that they don’t see anything wrong in dressing stylishly as long as it’s modest and conservative,” said Zargarpur in an interview with CBS.
She and many other designers have been at the forefront of a trend that is on its way to the US: chic hijabs. This modern, modest fashion is allowing Muslim women to practice their faith while blending into the “Western” culture of dress.
Market Growing Online
The increased demand for dress that combines Islamic values with style and fashion has pushed local designers online, accessing a more global market. The Internet, in this sense, is used as a tool for networking, sharing and spreading ideas about stylish Islamic dress among people all across the world.
Over the past decade, the number of websites targeting consumer goods at Muslims in the Western market has substantially increased. Websites like hijabtrendz.com, hijabstyle.co and welovehijab.com are all examples of outlets where Muslim women can share their experiences.
With access to a world of fashion at the click of a mouse, Muslim women are able to purchase “ready-made” hijab outfits or find inspiration for their style by what other hijabi women are wearing across the globe.
“Whether it’s how to put on a new style or what outfits look good, more women are able to find tutorials and tips,” said Sobh. “In the past people waited for friends to come from overseas and hope they found something that suited their taste and style. But now they can pick it out themselves.”
Chic Hijabs Change Perceptions?
Though not yet sold on the mainstream market, chic hijabs could become the norm for many Muslim women, and could help to change the way Americans perceive Muslim women and Islam as a whole.
“With this more modern look, hopefully Americans will see the similarities between the way Muslim women dress and people of other faiths that have similar requirements,” said Sobh. “With hijabi fashion, people will begin to be more accepting because they will be able to relate in a fashion way.”
The main reference point for religious understanding of Islamic dress is found in the Quran, the Muslim sacred text believed to be the direct word of God as revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. The Quran serves as a sort of guideline for modest Muslim dress.
“There are always those few out there who will say ‘this isn’t the way we’re supposed to dress, we aren’t supposed to draw attention to ourselves’,” said Sobh. “The whole point of being modest is to go about your day inconspicuously, but if there’s a specific guideline for what you can wear, it’s just that: a guideline. You can still make it look nice; it doesn’t have to look old and frumpy.”
Sobh pointed out that even non-Muslims like J.Lo have been spotted wearing a headscarf. While the styles have been targeted toward young practicing Muslims, some controversy has arisen about non-Muslims wearing the hijabi fashions. Sobh doesn’t see a problem with other women wearing the “look” for fashion, saying it brings back “a sort of feminine mystery” that’s been lost in our society.
“People are adapting, and that’s why I think more and more girls, young women and teenagers are excited and interested to wear hijab. They see that it doesn’t mean they have to change their lives,” said Sobh. “They can be who they are and still be modest.”
Read more at www.muslimvoices.org